Thursday, April 22, 2010

Finaly finally a large study about cell phones causing cancer - Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer? We'll Know Soon

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So by now we've all heard the that there is a possibility that cell phones could cause cancer. I've always thought that the fear wasn't justified since the phones hadn't been in long term use when the accusations were first made. Finally a group in Europe are doing a wide scale study to see if there is causation between cancer rates and cell phone usage. My line of thinking is that this study is supposed to last 30 years, by the end of 30 years cell phone technology will be radically different than it is now. It's very different than it was even just 10 years ago. And by the time the study is over this kind of mobile message will have pervaded society so much that if they do find that cell phone usage causes cancer is anyone going to be willing to give up their cell phones? It's become widely accepted in our culture to own a cell phone with text messaging capabilities that to not have one is viewed as being weird. I myself had a cell phone for a time but currently do not have one. I very rarely miss having it, the only time I have is when my husband and I got lost on the way to a friends house for the first time, other than that it hasn't been a great loss to me not having one. I remember when having a cell phone was a status sign, they here huge and took a couple of D-cell batteries (yes that was the 80's) then in the 90's they became smaller but where still the size of today's average cordless phone. My question is, is it really that important to be connected all the time? Isn't it better to wait to have that conversation with your best friend, so anticipate calling your boy/girl friend from a land line? In this way you'll have saved up things to say to them and you'll have thought about what to talk about, rather than just rambling on about unimportant things because you called them just to exchange a small bit of information that probably could have waited. So the next time you feel the urge to call your friend take a second to imagine what it would be like if you couldn't contact them at the drop of a hat, and the consequences if the study turns out to prove cell phones lead to cancer.

1 comment:

  1. I, of course, lived that. I like NOT being available all the time. :-)
